
Dog to Cat: You're wu-wei too stationary for good health

  Dog:  I love going outside and getting lots of exercise. Cat:  How do you know when you're out rushing around outside I'm not dancing around the room? Dog:  ARE you? Cat:  Well, I do lots of stretches. Look: you dig, I pounce. Both are good. You dig for discoveries, I delve into the unconscious. Dog:  (sigh) Right ... more windowsill wisdom by Cat.

Seniors-Lib -- finally feeling free to be honest


Cat is a Window-sill Philosopher


Dog and Cat Are Awake

  Dog:  You finally woke up, Cat. How can you sleep away a whole afternoon, doing nothing? Cat:  Nothing?! You obviously don't understand sleep science, Dog. My naps are so full of dreams and visions and neurological activity that I wake up to get some rest.

Horse Haiku -- old age


Seniors Go On Outrage-Fast
