CHAPTER THREE -- Menu of Virtues, Herr of the Dog, Nap of the Cat
-- Could I have the key to the washrooms please? -- We don't have one - there's no Locke. -- Oh ... right ... -- I don't know which to use. What's the one on the right? Is there a User's Manual? -- No. And from a business trans-action point of view, I daren't advise you. Dunno anything about the one on the right. Mis-Labelling is Violence. Do I want to be arrested? Ask yourself what would Epictetus do? What would Marcus Aurelius do? -- I don't know -- what? -- One of four things, I suppose -- as listed on the Menu Board. There's an APPetizer for that. -- Right ... I'd heard your specialty is Chicken Mumbo-Jumbo. Sounds about right. What'll you two have, Prof? -- My turn to pay AGAIN? When's the reciprocal part? What dish would you recommend today, Hermen? -- For you two, the Roast ParaDucks. Why so glum this time, Student? -- My thesis has been rejected, Hermen! Dismissed as mere fairy tale. -- Sucks, man. Says who? -- My brothers G...