
Showing posts from February, 2025

Winter Storm


Dog to Cat: You're wu-wei too stationary for good health

  Dog:  I love going outside and getting lots of exercise. Cat:  How do you know when you're out rushing around outside I'm not dancing around the room? Dog:  ARE you? Cat:  Well, I do lots of stretches. Look: you dig, I pounce. Both are good. You dig for discoveries, I delve into the unconscious. Dog:  (sigh) Right ... more windowsill wisdom by Cat.

Seniors-Lib -- finally feeling free to be honest


Cat is a Window-sill Philosopher


Dog and Cat Are Awake

  Dog:  You finally woke up, Cat. How can you sleep away a whole afternoon, doing nothing? Cat:  Nothing?! You obviously don't understand sleep science, Dog. My naps are so full of dreams and visions and neurological activity that I wake up to get some rest.

Horse Haiku -- old age


Seniors Go On Outrage-Fast


Cat and Dog Chat

  Cat:  The other day I saw a unicorn out there. Dog:  Madness! You been at the catnip again? What would a unicorn be doing here? Cat:  I think she was chatting with a dragon.

The Dragon and the Unicorn

  The dragon and the unicorn went to market one day The vendors saw thwm coming and put their wares away We don't want accidents, they said, A spiky spear is a thing we fear, and fiery breathe we dread The dragon and the unicorn fund the stalls quite bare Why do you people fear us, they ask, why do you stand and stare? 'Magic is danger and we're not brave. why do you wander so far from your lair?' Send a message about your needs, we'll deliver the goods to your care' The unicorn pointed her wand & the dragon puffed warm air 'We only want to spread pleasure and cheer,  we want to be playful and free, so when you sense our presence near,  please don't feel you need to flee' ☺ 'I do not like Philosophy,' said Unicorn to Dragon at tea, 'the reason why I cannot see, but I don't like Philosophy.' They sat at home eating cakes 'Probably best for all our sakes,  Philosophy always confuses causes,  too many arguments, too few pause...

Dog and Cat Discuss Priorities

Dog:  All you think about is sleeping, Cat. Cat: All you think about is eating, Dog. Dog: I have to think about that -- it's a dog-eat-dogfood world out there.      But that's not ALL I think about, I also dream about running with a pack, no humans involved. Cat:  Sounds exhausting.

Onward to Not-Dry February

Different approaches to wine-appreciation ...