Winter Hibernation -- dream time
Why did the bear limp in spring? He had a hibernated disc.
Relax, its' winter -- let your standards slip and your slippers stand.
Here's a verse to read the kids:
dreaming bees and crocodiles,
The sun now up will soon go down,
and night spread hush on field and town
Nothing makes a season stay,
'Until next time' we always say,
As Earth the Mother turns from Sun
we bid adieu, one to one:
"Later 'gator”, and Antelope,
Manana Panda, we faithfully hope
And toodle-oo Kangaroo,
See ya soon, Arctic Loon
You're starting to nod,

Bonne nuit to Chimpanzee,
And Goodbye Ants and Eagles free
À bientot, Pink Flamingo,
À demain, Orangutan
Adios to Buffalos,
Adieu to Caribou,
Ogopogo, Sasquatch too
So long, you short Dugong,
And Pip-pip, Python thick,
And Pip-pip, Python thick,
Night's for the wishes
of dreaming fishes
Cheerio and Tally-ho,
Woolly Lamb and feathered Crow,
Take good care, Arctic Hare,
'Til next year, Black-tailed Deer
Take good care, Arctic Hare,
'Til next year, Black-tailed Deer
Ciao Chinchilla and Chihuahua,
Go to sleep wise hens and sheep
'Til dawn, your Good-Night-Dreams will keep
Say ‘Goodbye', Dragonfly,
We’ll meet again, you and I
Sayonara Capybaras,
See you after many tomorrows
We’ll meet again, you and I
Sayonara Capybaras,
See you after many tomorrows
Each season passes in a flash
Fur coats thicken, squirrels stash
So change your clocks, Brer Fox,
We've passed another equinox,
Time to hibernate, old Bear,
Find a safe and cozy lair
Find a safe and cozy lair
Go to sleep wise hens and sheep
'Til dawn, your Good-Night-Dreams will keep
Time's sped since last New Year's Eve!
Now: Shut the door before you leave ...