Dog and Cat, at Home
-- I was tired.
-- You're always tired -- like a cartoon cat that sleeps all day. You do look a bit drawn.
-- Because I'm tired. I've been busy. It's hard work being an influencer.
-- Can dogs be influencers too?
-- I hope not.
-- How do you be one?
-- By example. Haven't you seen my face on a thousand comic greeting cards?
-- Of course. The face that launches a thousand quips on cards for Crazy Cat Ladies to buy for other Crazy Cat Ladies.
-- Why not? I'm a Crazy Lady Cat.
-- Yes. And I'm a Sane Gentleman Dog.
-- I thought you were a guard dog. What do you see outside this window, watching all day?
-- Tons of stuff you know nothing about, since you're usually asleep.
-- I'm dreaming. I'm a Weekend Worrier. I have to work things out, and then share my wisdom with the world.
-- You should start a mogcast. But you don't see what I see because I look out the window.
-- And you see what?
-- Well, did you know there are hens in that yard across the road?
-- Yes. I hear them cluck.
-- Well, I see their colourful side feathers flashing in the sun while they cluck and peck. I'd love to get closer.
-- You'd cross the road to see the other side of a chicken! You're spying on that big dog next door. Why's he standing like that?
-- He's doing a power pose.
-- What an idiot. A powerless pose works better, accompanied by a faint miaow, as if you're weak and starving -- so the humans feed you again.
-- You're manipulative.
-- Pawpulative, actually. Less is more, when you're the superior species.
-- That's what's called a "luxury belief". It's colonialist. BAD cat!
-- There are no bad cats. What is a luxury belief, anyway?
-- A belief that "confers status on the upper class while inflicting costs on lower classes".
-- ??? ... That tires my brain, I think I'll take a nap.
-- With you, there's a nap for everything.
Yes. So take my picture for the Crazy Cat Ladies. Put it on a mog-mug, okay Dog? Thanks. Goodnight.